The Production Control module is used to set up production schedules and monitor production within the mill.
The production scheduler can look at current orders and stocks to establish production requirements. The system will explode planned production into raw material requirements and highlight any potential shortfall of raw materials. When a schedule has been finalised, it is transferred to the production control system.
Details of actual production are received from the production control system. Finished product stocks are incremented and raw material stocks are decremented. As part of this process, information relating to the source of raw materials and destination of finished products are captured to aid traceability. A bar chart is displayed showing summary batch production on an hour by hour basis for the previous twenty four hours. Full information relation to batch production is available showing formulated, requested and actual quantities and highlighting substitutions.
The system calculates mill usage statistics including average throughput, mill efficiency, actual throughput and average run sizes as well as showing differences between formulated, planned and actual batch costings.
Bag production can be captured automatically if the palletisers are linked into the system and links to electricity consumption monitors can help to provide true batch costings.